Steering Committee

Ram Chillarege, Chair, Chillarege Inc, USA
Bojan Cukic, Vice Chair, West Virginia University, USA
Pankaj Jalote, Director IIIT, Delhi, India
Karama Kanoun, LAAS, CNRS, France
Veena Mendiratta, Alcatel-Lucent, USA
Brendan Murphy, Microsoft Research, UK
Mladen Vouk, North Carolina State University, USA

Advisory Committee -
Sam Keene, Chair

The ISSRE Advisory Council (AC) is being formed. The AC will have 3 appointed, distinguished ISSRE members. Sam Keene, s(dot)keene(at)ieee(dot)org, will act as group facilitator, without any vote. This council will serve ISSRE is several ways:

  1. Identify candidates to serve on the ISSRE Steering committee and fill spots vacated as SC members terms expire.
  2. Hear suggestions for improving the conference.
  3. Conduct special survey or studies at the request of the Steering Committee.
  4. Along with the Steering Committee, explore and receive recommendations for new conference venues for ISSRE, e.g., added topics to be focused on or addressed.

Link to the Steering Committee Pages